Wireless Stereo Gaming Headphones | Steel Racing 2 Store

Wireless stereo gaming headphones - Shop a remarkable scope of wireless stereo gaming headphones at a moderate cost. Look at our total scope of items at Steelracing2.store.

1. Enjoy stereo music wirelessly

2. Unique foldable design makes it portable

3. Remote hands-free two-way chat

4. HI-FI, CD sound quality

5. Remote control to add further mobility

6. High-sensitive, multi-directional speaker for virtual surround sound

7. Supporting device: cellphone with Bluetooth function, iPhone, Notebook, iPad, etc

8. Operating Distance: ≧10mm without obstruction like building or magnetic field

9. Best Choice for listening to music, watching a movie, chatting online, etc.

10. With an SD card slot, a small SD card is enough to enjoy music anytime anywhere.

Please visit here for more info: https://steelracing2.store/wireless-stereo-gaming-headphones/


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